Money is Slavery by Proxy

Posted: January 10, 2012 by Sam Saber in policital, politics, sociology
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Contemplate, that if knowledge is power, then wisdom is super power. We will never outcompete those who control money by foolishly continuing to rely on money, which they control and can create out of thin air. The only way to win against such a foe is to accurately identify the target, its Achilles heel or fatal soft spot, and focus your energies there. It will take both wisdom and cooperation to escape such a ubiquitous trap and avoid the great global debacle that is currently unfolding. If you wish to help save humanity (and yourselves…), then put on a thinking cap, practice patience and humility, and I will impart the necessary wisdom for us all to succeed, sooner than later. read more

War on Drug Users

Posted: December 13, 2011 by Sam Saber in policital, politics, sociology

If there is such a non tolerance for drug use, it’s bad for you and all that stuff they say to continue the war on drugs. Then why did i just watch three network  TV shows in which smoking pot was glamorized, and done openly  in a social gathering.  Still we spend billions of dollars yearly to stop, something lots of people seem to do and except. I believe Henry LaGuardia, former NY Mayor, said it best “you can not have a law that can not be enforced” , but since the drug money makes its way back in to the economy, the war on drugs allows governments to take more of our money to fight something they care nothing about.  It’s just a ponzi scheme . The government can make more money by keeping drugs illegal, or it would be legal. I am not advocating the use of drugs, but questioning the intolerance of their use, and why we spend so much to stop it, as opposed to alcohol, or tobacco which are apparent more harmful.

American Freedom And Prosperity Under Attack

Posted: December 7, 2011 by Sam Saber in policital, politics, sociology

How “Transformative” Change Threatens Our Nation’s Future

An ongoing series takes a look at how the attempt to “transform” America is undermining the foundations of our country’s success. From free speech and free markets, to innovation and individual responsibility, we’ll look at the impact an ever larger and more intrusive government is having on the key pillars of our economy and culture.

via American Freedom And Prosperity Under Attack.

Maybe,The Battle…

Posted: November 27, 2011 by Sam Saber in policital, politics, sociology

…for the White House should be fought with guns, it may improve the political system. It worked in the latter part of the 18th Century.

Lip service, cause i want to be President

Posted: November 27, 2011 by Sam Saber in policital, politics, sociology

Gingrich Says His Immigration Plan Doesn’t Include Legalizing 11M Illegal Aliens

“I am for deporting all recent unattached illegals,” he explained. “I am for a local citizen panel to consider certification of those who have been here 25 years and have family and community and have been law abiding and tax paying,” he said

via Gingrich Says His Immigration Plan Doesn’t Include Legalizing 11M Illegal Aliens – Newt Gingrich – Fox Nation.

Occupy Wall St 99% White, Why?

Posted: November 27, 2011 by Sam Saber in policital, politics, sociology

African Americans share white Americans’ anger about corporate greed and corruption, and blacks have a rich history of protesting injustice in United States. So why aren’t they Occupying?

via Occupy Wall St 99% White – Occupy Wall Street – Fox Nation.

Patriotism – Always Question Authority

Posted: November 22, 2011 by rusty bingham in Uncategorized

Patriotism to one’s country is understood, and need not be expressed. If one feels inclined to overtly express such, then one is expressing nationalism, not patriotism.

via Aphorisms | Always Question Authority.


Homeland Security or Big Brother

Posted: November 22, 2011 by rusty bingham in policital, politics, sociology

Governments around the world use the word Patriotism to promote blind faith. See it the governments way or you are against the people. How about see it the peoples way, or you are against the people

Egypt’s infamous state security apparatus, notorious for spying on political activists and torturing dissidents, has renamed itself “homeland security,” presumably in homage to its American namesake, which has also been used as a tool of political repression.

via Prison » Egypt’s Secret Police Renames Itself “Homeland Security”.

Possible cyber attack

Posted: November 20, 2011 by Sam Saber in policital, politics, sociology

Washington (CNN) — Federal officials confirmed they are investigating Friday whether a cyber attack may have been responsible for the failure of a water pump at a public water district in Illinois last week. But they cautioned that no conclusions had been reached, and they disputed one cyber security expert’s statements that other utilities are vulnerable to a similar attacks. read more… possible cyber attack 

On Nov. 8, a water district employee noticed problems with the industrial control systems, and a computer repair company checked logs and determined that the computer had been hacked.


No Ideas

Posted: November 18, 2011 by rusty bingham in policital, politics

Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas